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RED (2010)  link to RED on IMDb  link to trailer on IMDb

Nummer: 361

cover RED

star star star star star star star star star star
7,1/10 (252946 Stimmen)

Land: USA, 111 Minuten

Filmsprachen: Englisch, Russisch

Genre: Action, Thriller, Komödie, Krimi

Regisseur: Robert Schwentke

Darsteller: Bruce Willis (als Frank Moses), Mary-Louise Parker (als Sarah Ross), Karl Urban (als William Cooper), Chris Owens (als Hanged Man), Rebecca Pidgeon (als Cynthia Wilkes)

Medium: Blu-ray Disc,

Handlung: Frank (Bruce Willis) is retired, bored, and lonely living off his government pension in a nondescript suburb in an equally nondescript house. The only joy in Frank's life is his calls to the government pension processing center when he gets to talk to his case worker, Sarah (Mary-Louis Parker). Sarah is as bored and lonely as Frank and marks her conversations with the unknown Frank and her spy novels as the only things fun in her life. When something in Frank's past forces Frank back into his old line of work and puts an unwitting Sarah in the middle of the intrigue, Frank and Sarah begin a journey into Frank's past and the people he used to work with. Like Frank they are all RED ... Retired Extremely Dangerous.

Verliehen: Nein

Seitenformat: 2.35:1